MRs with high levels of expertise provide information that contributes to treatment

Pharmaceuticals directly impact human life and health. For their proper use, it is therefore essential that doctors and pharmacists are provided with information on efficacy, safety and quality in a prompt and accurate manner. This is one of the most important roles of medical representatives (MRs).
ASKA is working to develop MRs with high-level expertise and strong ethical standards, and has introduced an up-to-the-minute support system to help them provide high-quality drug information.
Providing drug information through multiple channels

In addition to the activities of its MRs, ASKA conducts a wide range of activities to provide medical information through multiple channels, including by conducting numerous web-based seminars. In FY 2019, we held more than 20 of these webinars in the areas of Obstetrics and Gynecology and liver diseases. The webinars have received a total of about 8,000 views from healthcare providers. The advantage of webinars is that they can widely disseminate information on the proper use of medicines to busy healthcare providers, as well as to a broader target group. We will continue to proactively conduct webinars in conjunction with the activities of MRs. In addition, we have set up a dedicated membership section for healthcare providers on our company website to access appropriate and useful information.