







代表取締役社長 山口 惣大






神奈川県藤沢市村岡東2-26-1 湘南ヘルスイノベーションパーク内


代表取締役社長 齋藤 淳一









監修責任 株式会社あすか製薬メディカル
リーガルチェック 弁護士法人丸の内ソレイユ法律事務所
監修医ファクトチェック 各医師
編集長チェック みんなのホルモン研究所編集長 花塚達郎
編集者による校閲・ファクトチェック 各編集者
ライターによる記事作成 各ライター










1920年6月 創業者山口八十八、「帝国社臓器薬研究所」を横浜市南吉田町に創立
1921年6月 男性生殖腺ホルモン製剤「スペルマチン」を発売
1922年7月 甲状腺製剤「チラーヂン」を発売
1929年6月 法人に改組「株式会社帝国社臓器薬研究所」となる
1936年1月 高津分工場を神奈川県橘樹郡高津町(川崎市)に開設
1945年10月 社名を「帝国臓器製薬株式会社」に変更
1946年10月 本社を東京都港区芝南佐久間町(港区西新橋)に移転
1952年1月 山口榮一が社長就任
1955年9月 東京証券取引所に株式を上場
1957年6月 動物用医薬品の製造・販売を開始
1962年11月 本社を港区赤坂に移転
1971年8月 臨床検査事業を開始
1975年7月 医療器具事業を開始
1980年4月 いわき工場を福島県いわき市に新設
1981年9月 前立腺肥大症治療剤「プロスタール錠25」を発売
1986年10月 H2受容体拮抗剤「アルタットカプセル75」を発売
1991年5月 子会社「株式会社メディカル・システム・サービス神奈川(現・株式会社あすか製薬メディカル)」設立
1991年6月 山口 隆 社長就任
1997年4月 国際駐在員事務所をドイツ・フランクフルトに開設
1999年9月 経口避妊剤「アンジュ28」を発売
2000年6月 創立80周年を迎える
2001年9月 本社社屋を港区芝浦に新設・移転
2005年3月 高脂血症治療剤「リピディルカプセル」を発売
2005年10月 グレラン製薬株式会社と合併、社名を「あすか製薬株式会社」に変更
2011年5月 緊急避妊剤「ノルレボ錠0.75mg」を発売
2011年12月 高脂血症治療剤「リピディル錠」を発売
2013年4月 いわき工場・品質管理棟 竣工
2013年6月 子会社「あすかアニマルヘルス株式会社」を設立
2014年2月 LH-RH誘導体 マイクロカプセル型徐放性製剤
2014年9月 持続性アンジオテンシンⅡ受容体拮抗剤
日本薬局方 カンデサルタン シレキセチル錠『カンデサルタン錠「あすか」』を発売
2015年10月 あすか製薬 発足10周年を迎える
2016年2月 いわき工場・第四製剤棟 竣工
2016年11月 難吸収性リファマイシン系抗菌薬「リフキシマ錠200mg」を発売
2018年10月 Omnicare Drugs India Privare Limitedと共同で、インドのNeoASKA Pharma Private Limitedに出資
2018年12月 月経困難症治療剤『フリウェル配合錠LD・ULD「あすか」』を発売
2019年3月 GnRHアンタゴニスト「レルミナ錠40mg」を発売
2020年4月 川崎研究所を「湘南ヘルスイノベーションパーク」へ移転
2020年6月 創立100周年を迎える
2020年6月 甲状腺製剤「チラーヂンS静注液200mg」を発売
2021年1月 「Hataphar社」が持分法適用関連会社となる
2021年2月 抗甲状腺剤「メルカゾール錠2.5mg」を発売
2021年4月 あすか製薬ホールディングス株式会社設立
2021年4月 英国ロンドンに国際オフィスを設立
2021年6月 山口 惣大が社長就任



株式会社あすか製薬メディカル 文献・特許・学会発表


NO. 著者 題名 掲載雑誌
1 Hobo Y et al Analysis of Hair Steroid Hormone Concentrations at Different Parts of the Head by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Clinica Chimica Acta, 523,260-266 (2021)
2 Hobo Y et al Measurement of steroid hormones by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with small amounts of hair Steroids, 164, 108732 (2020)
3 笹本 英彦 唾液中のステロイドホルモンの測定とその意義 シーエムシー出版, 非侵襲的検体検査の最前線 ―唾液検査・呼気検査を中心に―
4 本間 誠次郎, 奥山 光伸, 山下 幸和 Mass spectrometryによるステロイドの定量 臨床検査 2008; 52(11): 11675



NO. 著者 題名 掲載雑誌
1 Nishihara E et al Serum thyroglobulin evaluation on LC-MS/MS and immunoassay in TgAb-positive patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma Eur Thyroid J., 11(1) (2022), Article ID: e210041
2 Nishikawa T et al Comparison and commutability study between standardized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for aldosterone measurement in blood Endocr J., 69 (1):45-54 (2022)
3 Kitamura T et al ACTH-independent production of 11-oxygenated androgens and glucocorticoids in an adrenocortical adenoma Eur J Endocrinol (2022)
4 Yazawa T et al Profiles of 5α-Reduced Androgens in Humans and Eels: 5α-Dihydrotestosterone and 11-Ketodihydrotestosterone Are Active Androgens Produced in Eel Gonads Front Endocrinol (Lausanne) (2021)
5 Yoshida T et al Quantification of androgens and their precursors in full-term human placenta Eur J Endocrinol (2021)
6 Islam MS et al Analyses of Molecular Characteristics and Enzymatic Activities of Ovine HSD17B3 Animals (Basel)11(10)(2021)
7 Fujita N et al Serum diiodotyrosine-a biomarker to differentiate destructive thyroiditis from Graves' disease Eur J Endocrinol. (2021)
8 Tanabe H et al Sex differences in serum levels of 5α-androstane-3β, 17β-diol, and androstenediol in the young adults: A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry study PLoS One, 16(12) (2021)
9 Miyazawa D et al Dietary soybean oil, canola oil and partially-hydrogenated soybean oil affect testicular tissue and steroid hormone levels differently in the miniature pig. Food Chem Toxicol. In press (2020)
10 Tezuka Y et al 18-Oxocortisol Synthesis in Aldosterone-Producing Adrenocortical Adenoma and Significance of KCNJ5 Mutation Status. Hypertension, 73(6):1283-1290 (2019)
11 Ando T et al A carbon 21 steroidal metabolite from progestin, 20β-hydroxy-5α-dihydroprogesterone, stimulates the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells. Prostate, 78(3):222-232 (2018)
12 Takeuchi T et al Adrenocortical carcinoma characterized by gynecomastia: A case report. Clin Pediatr Endocrinol., 27(1):9-18 (2018)
13 Kutsukake N et al The presence of females induces elevated cortisol levels in an alpha male: Experimental evidence in chimpanzees. Am J Phys Anthropol., 167(2):327-336 (2018)
14 Saito K et al Steroidogenic pathways involved in androgen biosynthesis in eumenorrheic women and patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol., 158:31-37 (2016)
15 Nishikawa T et al Calibration and evaluation of routine methods by serum certified reference material for aldosterone measurement in blood. Endocr J., 63(12):1065-1080 (2016)
16 Miyoshi Y et al Low serum dehydroepiandrosterone examined by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry correlates with poor prognosis in hormone-naïve prostate cancer. Prostate, 76(4):376-82 (2016)
17 Kobayashi M et al Sex differences in the serum level of endogenous ligands for estrogen receptor β in the elderly population. Sci Rep. (2016)
18 Ando T et al Dihydrotestosterone synthesis pathways from inactive androgen 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol in prostate cancer cells: Inhibition of intratumoural 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities by abiraterone. Sci Rep. (2016)
19 Satoh F et al Measurement of Peripheral Plasma 18-Oxocortisol Can Discriminate Unilateral Adenoma From Bilateral Diseases in Patients With Primary Aldosteronism Hypertension., 65(5):1096-102 (2015)
20 Rege J et al Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of human adrenal vein 19-carbon steroids before and after ACTH stimulation. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2013 Mar;98(3):1182-8.
21 Nakamura Y et al Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of human adrenal vein corticosteroids before and after adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulation. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2012; 76(6): 778-84.
22 Arai S et al New quantification method for estradiol on the prostatic tissues of benign prostatic hyperplasia using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry Steroids 2010; 75(1): 13-19
23 Nhu DD et al Salivary cortisol and cortisone levels,and breast milk dioxin concentretions in Vietnamese primiparas Toxicol Environmental Chemistry 2010; 92(10): 1939-52
24 Uemura M et al 5αDH-DOC (5α-dihydro-deoxycorticosterone) activates androgen receptor in castration-resistant prostate cancer Cancer Science 2010; 101(8): 1897–1904
25 Yamashita K et al Development of highly sensitive quantification method for testosterone and dihydrotestosterone in human serum and prostate tissue by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Steroids 2009; 74(12): 920-6
26 Matsui F et al Liquid chromatogrophy-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) assay for simultaneous measurement of salivary testosterone and cortisol in healthy men for utilization in the diagnosis of late-onset hypogonadism in males Endocr J 2009; 56(9): 1083-93
27 Niikawa H et al Intratumoral estrogens and estrogen receptors in human non-small celllung carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2008; 14(14): 4417-26
28 Yamashita K et al Simultaneous determination of tetrahydrocortisol, allotetrahydrocortisol and tetrahydrocortisone in human urine by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Steroids 2008; 73: 727-37
29 Yamashita K et al Development of sensitive derivatization method for aldosterone in liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry of corticosteroids J Chromatogr A 2008; 1200: 114-21
30 Uemura M et al Novel 5α-steroid reductasa (SRD5A3,type-3) is overexpressed in hormone-refractory prostate cancer Cancer Sci 2008; 99(1): 81-86
31 Yamashita K et al Highly sensitive determination of estrone and estradiol in human serum by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry Steroids 2007; 72(11-12): 819-27
32 Yamashita K et al Use of novel picolinoyl derivatization for similtaneous quantification of six corticosteroids by liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry J Chromatogr A 2007; 1173(1-2): 120-8
33 Miki Y et al Aromatase localization in human breast cancer tissues:possible interactions between intratumoral stromal and parenchymal cells Cancer Res 2007; 67(8): 3945-54



NO. 著者 題名 掲載雑誌
1 Ikegawa K et al Adrenal gland involvement in 11-ketotestosterone production analyzed using LC-MS/MS Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 14:1051195 (2023)
2 Ogino Y et al Evolutionary differentiation of androgen receptor ohnologs is responsible for the development of androgen-dependent unique sexual characteristics in a teleost nature communications 14, Article number: 1428 (2023)
3 Ito E et al Low energy availability reduces bone mass and gonadal function in male mice J Bone Miner Metab;41(2):182-192(2023)
4 Makino Y et al Comprehensive genomics in androgen receptor-dependent castration-resistant prostate cancer identifies an adaptation pathway mediated by opioid receptor kappa 1 Commun Biol;5(1):299 (2022)
5 Inoue T et al Long-term monitoring of egg-laying cycle using ultrasonography reveals the reproductive dynamics of circulating sex steroids in an oviparous catshark, Scyliorhinus torazame Gen Comp Endocrinol. (2022)
6 Tsuji-Hosok alawa A et Human SRY expression at the sex-determining period is insufficient to drive testis development in mice Endocrinology (2022)
7 Honma N et al Estrogen concentration and estrogen receptor-β expression in postmenopausal colon cancer considering patient/tumor background J Cancer Res Clin Oncol;148(5):1063-1071(2022)
8 Miki Y et al Co-expression of nuclear heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleic protein K and estrogen receptor α in endometrial cancer Pathol Res Pract 231:153795.(2022)
9 Naiki Y et al AAV-mediated gene therapy for patients' fibroblasts, iPS cells, and a mouse model of congenital adrenal hyperplasia Hum Gene Ther;33(15-16),801-809 (2022)
10 Yamamoto S et al Changes in Endogenous Oxytocin Levels and the Effects of Exogenous Oxytocin Administration on Body Weight Changes and Food Intake in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Model Rats Int J Mol Sci;23(15): 8207 (2022)
11 Nishimura K et al Oestrogen-dependent hypothalamic oxytocin expression with changes in feeding and body weight in female rats Commun Biol;5 (1), 912 (2022)
12 Noguchi J., et al Imbalance of circuit plasticity and consolidation in autism model marmosets is adjusted by oxytocin administration bioRxiv(2022)
13 Nishikawa T et al Comparison and commutability study between standardized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for aldosterone measurement in blood Endocr J;69(1):45-54(2022).
14 Yazawa T et al 11-Ketotestosterone is a Major Androgen Produced in Porcine Adrenal Glands and Testes J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. (2021) in press
15 Yoshida T et al Circulating steroids and mood disorders in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Steroids;165 (2021)
16 Tokui T et al Effects of gonadal status and the estrogen milieu on hypothalamic oxytocin gene expression and serum oxytocin levels in female rats Hormones and Behavior;133:105005(2021)
17 Akiba K et al Genome analyses and androgen quantification for an infant with 5α-reductase type 2 deficiency J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. (2021)
18 Ooishi Y et al Differential Effects of Focused Attention and Open Monitoring Meditation on Autonomic Cardiac Modulation and Cortisol Secretion Front. Physiol;121 (2021)
19 So S. et al Serum thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody levels and thyroid dysfunction after hysterosalpingography: a case-control study Gynecol Endocrinol (2021)
20 Kobayashi M et al Associations among maternal perfluoroalkyl substance levels, fetal sex-hormone enzymatic gene polymorphisms, and fetal sex hormone levels in the Hokkaido study Reproductive Toxicology (2021)
21 Miyazawa Y et al A Prospective Study of the Relationship Between Clinical Outcomes After Enzalutamide and Serum Androgen Levels Measured via Liquid Chromatography-tandem Mass Spectrometry in Patients with Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer Eur Urol Open Sci;29: 59-67 (2021)
22 Kikusui T et al Testosterone regulates the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations and mounting behavior during different developmental periods in mice Dev Psychobiol;63(4):725-733 (2021)
23 Nishiike Y et al Estrogen receptor 2b is the major determinant of sex-typical mating behavior and sexual preference in medaka Curr Biol;31(8):1699-1710 (2021)
24 Kamada S et al A novel PCOS rat model and an evaluation of its reproductive, metabolic, and behavioral phenotypes Reprod Med Biol (2021)
25 Ishii M et al Measurement of the Estradiol Concentration in Cerebrospinal Fluid from Infants and Its Correlation with Serum Estradiol and Exosomal MicroRNA-126-5p. Biol Pharm Bull;43(12):1966-1968 (2020).
26 Sun XL et al Association of dioxin in maternal breast milk and salivary steroid hormone levels in preschool children: A five-year follow-up study of a Vietnam cohort. Chemosphere;241:124899 (2020)
27 Tezuka Y et al Unique Sex Steroid Profiles in Estrogen-Producing Adrenocortical Adenoma Associated With Bilateral Hyperaldosteronism. J Endocr Soc;4(2) (2020)
28 宮内文久 毛髪に含まれるコルチゾール濃度を指標とした3 交代勤務と2 交代勤務のストレス度の比較 日職災医誌;68:71-76(2020)
29 Ito Y et al Time-dependent changes in FT4 and FT3 levels measured using mass spectrometry after an acute ingestion of excess levothyroxine in a case with hypothyroidism. Thyroid Res;13(4) (2020)
30 Watahiki T et al Gender Difference in Development of Steatohepatitis in p62/Sqstm1 and Nrf2 Double-Knockout Mice Exp Anim;69(4):395-406(2020)
31 Kikusui T et al Testosterone regulates the emission of ultrasonic vocalizations and mounting behavior during different developmental periods in mice Dev Psychobiol;63(4) 725-733 (2020)
32 Mitsui T et al Effects of prenatal sex hormones on behavioral sexual dimorphism. Pediatr Int;61(2):140-146 (2019)
33 Koyama T et al A SNP in a Steroidogenic Enzyme Is Associated with Phenotypic Sex in Seriola Fishes. Curr Biol;29(11):1901-1909 (2019)
34 Hiraki-Kajiyama T et al Neuropeptide B mediates female sexual receptivity in medaka fish, acting in a female-specific but reversible manner. Elife;8:e39495(2019)
35 Ishihara Y et al Retinoid X receptor-mediated neuroprotection via CYP19 upregulation and subsequent increases in estradiol synthesis. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol;193:105421 (2019)
36 Mitsui T et al Relationship between adrenal steroid hormones in cord blood and birth weight: The Sapporo Cohort, Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children's Health. Am J Hum Biol;30(4):e23127 (2018)
37 Araki A et al Prenatal organochlorine pesticide exposure and the disruption of steroids and reproductive hormones in cord blood: The Hokkaido study. Environ Int;110:1-13 (2018)
38 Miyashita C et al Sex-related differences in the associations between maternal dioxin-like compounds and reproductive and steroid hormones in cord blood: The Hokkaido study. Environ Int;117:175-185 (2018)
39 Sekine Y et al Simvastatin in combination with meclofenamic acid inhibits the proliferation and migration of human prostate cancer PC-3 cells via an AKR1C3 mechanism. Oncol Lett;15(3):3167-3172 (2018)
40 Hashimoto C et al 17β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 Expression Is Induced by Androgen Signaling in Endometrial Cancer. Int J Mol Sci;19(4) (2018)
41 Ishikawa K et al Usefulness of pharmacokinetic/efficacy analysis of an investigational kisspeptin analog, TAK-448, in quantitatively evaluating anti-tumor growth effect in the rat VCaP androgen-sensitive prostate cancer model. Eur J Pharmacol;828:126-134 (2018)
42 Ooishi Y Correlation Between Resting Testosterone/Cortisol Ratio and Sound-Induced Vasoconstriction at Fingertip in Men. Front Physiol;9:164 (2018)
43 Shima Y et al Fetal Leydig cells dedifferentiate and serve as adult Leydig stem cells. Development;145(23) (2018)
44 Chikada H et al Establishment and analysis of a mouse model that regulates sex-related differences in liver drug metabolism. Lab Invest;98(11):1500-1511 (2018)
45 Ide H et al Modulation of AKR1C2 by curcumin decreases testosterone production in prostate cancer. Cancer Sci;109(4):1230-1238 (2018)
46 Susa T et al Without 1α-hydroxylation, the gene expression profile of 25(OH)D3 treatment overlaps deeply with that of 1,25(OH)2D3 in prostate cancer cells. Sci Rep;8(1):9024 (2018)
47 Yoshida T et al 11-oxygenated C19 steroids as circulating androgens in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. Endocr J;65(10):979-990 (2018)
48 Takezawa Y et al Crosstalk Between Androgen-sensitive and Androgen-insensitive Prostate Cancer Cells. Anticancer Res;38(4):2045-2055 (2018)
49 Matsumoto YK et al The enhancement effect of estradiol on contextual fear conditioning in female mice. PLoS One;13(5) (2018)
50 Yetti H et al Bile acid detoxifying enzymes limit susceptibility to liver fibrosis in female SHRSP5/Dmcr rats fed with a high-fat-cholesterol diet. PLoS One;13(2) (2018)
51 杉山暢宏ら うつ病の性差について 信州医誌;66(3):185~193 (2018)
52 Miyoshi Y et al High serum dihydrotestosterone examined by ultrasensitive LC-MS/MS as a predictor of benign prostatic hyperplasia or Gleason score 6 cancer in men with prostate-specific antigen levels of 3-10 ng/mL. Andrology;5(2):262-267 (2017)
53 Honma N et al Estrogen-Related Factors in the Frontal Lobe of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients and Importance of Body Mass Index Sci Rep;7(1):726 (2017)
54 Miyado M et al Knockout of Murine Mamld1 Impairs Testicular Growth and Daily Sperm Production but Permits Normal Postnatal Androgen Production and Fertility. Int J Mol Sci;18(6) (2017)
55 Migita T et al ACSL3 promotes intratumoral steroidogenesis in prostate cancer cells Cancer Sci;108(10):2011-2021 (2017)
56 Araki A et al Prenatal di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure and disruption of adrenal androgens and glucocorticoids levels in cord blood: The Hokkaido Study. Sci Total Environ;581-582:297-304 (2017)
57 Ooishi Y et al Increase in salivary oxytocin and decrease in salivary cortisol after listening to relaxing slow-tempo and exciting fast-tempo music. PLoS One;12(12):e0189075 (2017)
58 Shibata Y et al Effects of Steroidal Antiandrogen or 5-alpha-reductase Inhibitor on Prostate Tissue Hormone Content. Prostate;77(6):672-680 (2017)
59 Ishihara Y et al Potentiation of 17β-estradiol synthesis in the brain and elongation of seizure latency through dietary supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid. Sci Rep;7(1):6268 (2017)
60 Motohashi HH et al Live, full-term mouse pups from oocytes grown and matured in vitro with serum substitutes. Reprod Biol;17(2):180-184 (2017)
61 Kakugawa Y et al Associations of obesity and physical activity with serum and intratumoral sex steroid hormone levels among postmenopausal women with breast cancer: analysis of paired serum and tumor tissue samples. Breast Cancer Res Treat;162(1):115-125 (2017)
62 Saito R et al Aryl hydrocarbon receptor induced intratumoral aromatase in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat;161(3):399-407 (2017)
63 Muren et al Puberty, ovarian cycle, pregnancy, and postpartum ovulation in captive Sichuan golden monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) based on changes in urinary and fecal gonadal steroid metabolites. Theriogenology;87:179-186 (2017)
64 Takagi M et al Intratumoral estrogen production and actions in luminal A type invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas. Breast Cancer Res Treat;156(1):45-55 (2016)
65 Ikeda K et al Synchronous Multiple Lung Adenocarcinomas: Estrogen Concentration in Peripheral Lung. PLoS One;11(8):e0160910 (2016)
66 Nishimoto M et al Steroid Sulfatase Inhibitor Reduces Proliferation of Ishikawa Endometrial Cancer Cells in Co-Culture Systems Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, 6, 193-204 (2016)
67 He F et al Adult Gli2+/–;Gli3Δ699/+ Male and Female Mice Display a Spectrum of Genital Malformation PLoS One;11(11):e0165958 (2016)
68 Yanagawa T et al Deficiency of X-Linked Protein Kinase Nrk during Pregnancy Triggers Breast Tumor in Mice. Am J Pathol;186(10):2751-60 (2016)
69 Mitsui T et al Effects of adrenal androgens during the prenatal period on the second to fourth digit ratio in school-aged children. Steroids;113:46-51 (2016)
70 Hatano M et al SF-1 deficiency causes lipid accumulation in Leydig cells via suppression of STAR and CYP11A1. Endocrine;54(2):484-496 (2016)
71 Komeya M et al Long-term ex vivo maintenance of testis tissues producing fertile sperm in a microfluidic device. Sci Rep;19;6:21472 (2016)
72 Morimoto M et al Assay of serum E2 concentration in postmenopausal breast cancer patients using a high-sensitivity RIA method is generally useful. J Med Invest;63(3-4):236-40 (2016)
73 Itoh S et al Association of perfluoroalkyl substances exposure in utero with reproductive hormone levels in cord blood in the Hokkaido Study on Environment and Children's Health. Environ Int;94:51-59 (2016)
74 Naiki Y et al Extra-adrenal induction of Cyp21a1 ameliorates systemic steroid metabolism in a mouse model of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Endocr J;63(10):897-904 (2016)
75 Machioka K et al Active estrogen synthesis and its function in prostate cancer-derived stromal cells. Anticancer Res;35(1):221-7(2015)
76 Mitsui T et al Effects of prenatal Leydig cell function on the ratio of the second to fourth digit lengths in school-aged children. PLoS One;10(3):e0120636 (2015)
77 Tanaka S et al The role of 5α-reductase type 1 associated with intratumoral dihydrotestosterone concentrations in human endometrial carcinoma. Mol Cell Endocrinol;401:56-64 (2015)
78 Shima Y et al Fetal Leydig Cells Persist as an Androgen-Independent Subpopulation in the Postnatal Testis. Mol Endocrinol;29(11):1581-93 (2015)
79 Ishikura N et al CH5137291, an androgen receptor nuclear translocation-inhibiting compound, inhibits the growth of castration-resistant prostate cancer cells. Int J Oncol;46(4):1560-72 (2015)
80 Kato A et al Female hippocampal estrogens have a significant crrelation with cyclic fluctuation of hiooicampal spines. Front Neural Circuits; 18(7): 149(2014)
81 Kosaka T et al Human castration resistant prostate cancer rather prefer to decreased 5α-reductase activity Sci Rep; 3: 1268(2013)
82 Shibata Y et al Impact of pre-treatment prostate tissue androgen content on the prediction of castration-resistant prostate cancer development in patients treated with primary androgen deprivation therapy Andrology ;1(3): 505-11(2013)
83 Ishizaki F et al Androgen deprivation promotes intratumoral synthesis of dihydrotestosterone from androgen metabolites in prostate cancer. Sci Rep; 3: Article number:1528(2013)
84 Arai S et al Development of prostate cancer in a patient with primary hypogonadism: intratumoural steroidogenesis in prostate cancer tissues. Andrology; 1(1):169-74(2013)
85 Morizane S et al Biphasic time course of the changes in aldosterone biosynthesis under high-salt conditions in Dahl salt-sensitive rats. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol; 32(5): 1194-203(2012)
86 Nishii M et al Luteinizing hormone (LH)-releasing hormone agonist reduces serum adrenal androgen levels in prostate cancer patients: implications for the effect of LH on the adrenal glands. J Androl; 33(6): 1233-8(2012)
87 Nakamura Y et al 18-Oxocortisol Measurement in Adrenal Vein Sampling as a Biomarker for Subclassifying Primary Aldosteronism J Clin Endocrinol Metab; 96(8): E1272–E1278(2011)
88 Arai S et al Effect of castration monotherapy on the levels of adrenal androgens in cancerous prostatic tissues Steroids; 76: 301-308(2011)
89 Nakamura M et al Mamld1 Knockdown Reduces Testosterone Production and Cyp17a1 Expression in Mouse Leydig Tumor Cells PLoS ONE; 6(4): e19123(2011)
90 Miki Y et al Intratumoral localization of aromatase and interaction between stromal and parenchymal cells in the non-small cell lung carcinoma microenvironment. Cancer Res; 70(16): 6659-69(2010)
91 Hojo Y et al Comparison between hippocampus-synthesized and circulation-derived sex steroids in hippocampus Endocrinology; 150(11): 5106-12(2009)



NO. 発明の名称 公報種別 特許番号
1 ステロイドの測定方法 特許公報(B2) 4634913
2 生体内微量エストラジオールの新規測定法 特許公報(B2) 4667832
3 前立腺癌と良性前立腺過形成の鑑別法 特許公報(B2) 4995194
4 ステロイドの高感度測定法 特許公報(B2) 5288230
5 エストロン類の高感度測定法 特許公報(B2) 5515113
6 原発性アルドステロン症の腺腫鑑別法及び18-オキソコルチゾール(18-oxoF)、18-ヒドロキシコルチゾール(18-OHF)の測定法 特許公報(B2) 5863784
7 エストロゲンの超高感度測定法 特許公報(B2) 6041125
8 オキシトシンの定量方法 特許公報(B2) 6959883
9 ビタミンD代謝物の選択的測定法 特許公報(A) 7019372



NO. 学会名 演題名 発表年月日
1 第95回日本内分泌学会学術総会 毛髪中コルチゾール測定による男性型脱毛症患者の慢性ストレス評価 2022.06.02~06.04
2 第93回日本内分泌学会学術総会 LC-MS/MSによるヒト血清中ビタミンD代謝物の測定法の開発 2020.07.20~08.31
3 第93回日本内分泌学会学術総会 LC-MS/MSによるヒト血清中遊離型ステロイドホルモンの高感度測定法の開発 2020.07.20~08.31
4 第131回日本心身医学会関東地方会 Virtual Realityによる疑似海洋環境と新しい生理指標を用いた呼吸法の短期的・長期的リラクゼーション効果に関する研究 2020.02.08~02.09
5 第24回日本臨床毛髪学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSを用いた毛髪採取部位による毛髪中ステロイドホルモン濃度差の検討 2019.11.23~11.24
6 第27回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 UHPLC-MS/MSによるヒト血清中遊離ステロイドホルモンの測定法の開発 2019.11.02
7 第162回日本獣医学会学術集会 UHPLC-MS/MSによるウシ血清中超高感度エストラジオール測定法の開発 2019.09.10~09.12
8 第92回日本内分泌学会学術総会 子宮内膜癌におけるステロイドホルモンとKrüppel-like factor 5の発現 2019.05.09~05.11
9 日本畜産学会第125回大会 UHPLC-MS/MSによるウシ血清中超高感度エストラジオール測定法の開発 2019.03.27~03.30
10 第26回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる11-Ketotestosterone及びその関連ステロイドの同時測定法の開発 2018.11.17
11 第161回日本獣医学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによるウシ血清中ステロイド分析 2018.09.11~09.13
12 日本畜産学会第124回大会 LC-MS/MSによるウシ血清中ステロイド分析 2018.03.28~03.30
13 第25回日本産業ストレス学会 LC-MS/MS による毛髪中コルチゾール、コルチゾン、デヒドロエピアンドロステロン測定法の開発 2017.12.08~12.09
14 第62回日本唾液腺学会学術集会 LC-MS/MS による唾液中ステロイド分析 2017.11.25
15 第25回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 UHPLC-MS/MSによるヒト唾液中超高感度エストラジオール測定法の開発 2017.11.18
16 2017 AUA Annual Meeting A 21-carbon steroidal metabolite from progestin, 20 β-dihydro-5α-dihydroprogesterone, stimulates the androgen receptor in prostate cancer cells 2017.05.12~05.16
17 105回日本泌尿器科学会総会 血中dehydroepiandrosterone(DHEA)レベルはPSA3-10 ng/mLの男性において病理学的結果を予測する独立した因子である 2017.04.21~04.24
18 第90回日本内分泌学会学術総会 夜間労働時のコルチゾール、DHEA濃度の変化に及ぼす年齢の影響 2017.04.20~04.22
19 第90回日本内分泌学会学術総会 アルドステロン標準物質の設定と各キットによる測定の標準化 2017.04.20~04.22
20 第26回泌尿器分子・細胞研究会 21炭素ステロイド(20β-hydroxy-5α-dihydroprogesterone)によるアンドロゲン受容体を介した前立腺がん細胞活性化 2017.03.10~03.11
21 第24回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる18オキソコルチゾールを含む関連ステロイド4成分の高感度同時測定法の開発 2016.12.03
22 第24回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 2D-LC-MS/MSによる毛髪中コルチゾール、コルチゾンの高感度測定法の開発 2016.12.03
23 第61回日本唾液腺学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる唾液中ステロイド分析 2016.12.03
24 第104回日本泌尿器科学会総会 診断前のデュタステリド投与が前立腺組織内アンドロゲンとプロゲスターゲン環境に与える影響 2016.04.23~04.25
25 第89回日本内分泌学会学術総会 アルドステロン測定の標準化の検討 2016.04.21~04.23
26 第23回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 UHPLC-MS/MSによるbackdoor pathway関連ステロイドプロファイル法の開発 2016.01.15
27 第23回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる毛髪中ステロイドホルモンの測定法の開発 2016.01.15
28 2015 AUA Annual Meeting Effect of dutasteride on intraprostatic levels of estrogens and androgens in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. 2015.05.15~05.19
29 2015 AUA Annual Meeting Blocking the intracrine back-conversion with abiraterone in prostate cancer cells. 2015.05.15~05.19
30 第103回日本泌尿器科学会総会 前立腺癌細胞内3β-androstandiol代謝に対するCYP17A抑制薬の影響 2015.04.18~04.21
31 第22回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによるbackdoor pathway関連ステロイドの測定法の開発 2014.11.03
32 第22回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる単一試料から多項目同時測定分析法の開発 2014.11.03
33 第39回日本医用マススペクトル学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる血清中estradiolの高感度測定法の開発 2014.10.16
34 第86回日本内分泌学会学術総会 LC-MS/MSを用いたステロイド分析(血液、唾液、組織) 2013.04.25
35 第20回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによる血清中estrone及びestradiol同時高感度測定法の開発 2012.11.18
36 第19回ステロイドホルモン学会学術集会 LC-MS/MSによるヒト末梢血中18-OxoF及び18-OHFの開発 2011.11.26
37 第45回日本小児内分泌学会学術総会 血清17OHP測定におけるカラム分画RIAの特異性評価-LC-MS/MSとの比較 2011.10.06




